Cheese Flights, Yes Please!

Photos by K. Mears

I am thoroughly familiar with a wine flight, but a cheese flight was something I had yet to experience. Recently, a cute little spot called Mission Cheese opened its doors offering such a thing!

There are several flights to choose from, categorized mainly by the region. My cheese loving friend and I tried the Vermont flight, we were not bold enough to go for the Monger's Choice flight. I may have to return at a later time for that one!

I cannot recall the names of each cheese we tried, but we sampled a variety from both cow and sheep's milk. We really enjoyed each one for different reasons, pairing them with fruit and bread (and wine!). One sample in particular was like butter (possibly the Camembert Vermont or Constant Bliss). I feel that I need some more tasting to do, so this may not be the last that you hear from me on the subject of Mission Cheese!


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