Project 52 {12}

As most of you know, I'm a big time planner and control freak, truth be told. I believe it's best to be super organized and prepared. But every now and then, no matter how much you prepare and plan, things just don't turn out how you thought they would or should. I've definitely learned that lesson in the past few years (i.e. adjusting to a new city, settling into a small apartment, finding a new job).

Realizing that I cannot be on top of everything all the time, I've opened up to the idea of luck and being slightly more free spirited. On my nightstand sits a lucky bamboo plant, miniature clay pig (a Chilean good luck charm) and orchid. All these little gifts were given to me by friends and family, a sweet reminder that even though some things are out of my hands, I'm always surrounded by love (and a bit of luck).

With that in mind, here's this week's installment of Project 52.

Photo By K. Mears

Check out my fellow Project 52 friends: Styleberry BlogWicked Kate and What We're Sayin.

Project 52 {11}

While most of the nation was enjoying above normal temperatures and sun, we had nothing but grey skies and rain all week long. In fact, it is raining at this very moment and will continue to all weekend here in San Francisco.

But I must admit that even though the rain can be inconvenient, it is much needed. The greenery can definitely use some water given the lack of rainfall this winter.

One thing that made this rainy week go by much easier is dressing for the occasion. The more you embrace the rain and stay prepared, the better. Keeping that in mind, here's the week's installment of Project 52.

Happy weekend!

Photo by K. Mears

Check out my fellow Project 52 friends: Styleberry BlogWicked Kate and What We're Sayin.

Project 52 {10}

It's been a rainy mess this week but last weekend it was nothing but blue skies and sun. It worked out great because we had some very dear friends from Michigan visiting and were able to show them the very best of the city under the sun. It's the inspiration for week 10's installment of Project 52.

Photo by K. Mears

Check out my fellow Project 52 friends: Styleberry BlogWicked Kate and What We're Sayin.


Photo by K. Mears

San Francisco friends, I just have to share this little wine distributor and delivery service called Rewinery with you.

All you have to do is place your order online or by app and three boutique bottles of wine show up at your doorstep by bike courier. I realize it sounds like something out of Portlandia, but it's really quite fantastic.

I cannot take credit for this discovery though. Jay found it one evening when we were making dinner and realized we had no wine to go with our lovely pappardelle with mushrooms. Enter Rewinery and in an hour we were enjoying our delicious pasta with a glass of 2007 Rewinery "Cozy" Barbera. Rewinery wines all have super cute labels and descriptions, which makes choosing the wines all the more fun!

I really hope this little company makes it, we've already ordered a few times since discovering them last month!

Project 52 {9}

I must admit, Jay and I tend to eat out a fair amount here in San Francisco. However, recently Jay has taken the reigns and started cooking at home more frequently during the work week. 

It's been fantastic! I have happily signed up for dishwasher duty in return for coming home to fresh meals like cheesy zucchini & mint risotto and orecchiette with broccoli, chili & pecorino. Jay is a big fan of the Jamie Oliver cooking apps which feature these dishes among some other great 20-minute meals. 

All this home cooking has inspired this week's Project 52 installment.

Thanks for keeping us healthy Jay!

Photo by K. Mears
Check out my fellow Project 52 friends: Styleberry BlogWicked Kate and What We're Sayin.